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| López, F., Pescador, P., Güell, C., Morales, M.L., García-Parrilla, M.C., Troncoso, A.M. (2005). Industrial vinegar clarification by cross-flow microfiltration: effect on colour and polyphenol content. Journal of Food Engineering, 68(1), 133-136. | Sáiz-Abajo, M.J.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Pizarro, C. (2005). Multi-objective optimisation strategy based on desirability functions used for chromatographic separation and quantification of l-proline and organic acids in vinegar. Analytica Chimica Acta 528, 63-76. |
Sáiz-Abajo, M.J.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Pizarro, C. (2005). Orthogonal signal correction applied to the classification of wine and molasses vinegar samples by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Feasibility study for the detection and quantifification of adulterated vinegar samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382, 412-420. |
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2004 |
De Ory, I.; Cantero, D. and Romero, L.I. (2004). Optimisation of immobilization conditions fo vinegar production. Siran, woods chips and plyurethane foam as carriers for Acetobacter Aceti. Process Biochemistry, 39(5), 547-555. |
De Ory, I; Romero, L.I. and Cantero, D. (2004). Operation in semi-continuous with a closed pilot plant scale acetifier for vinegar production. Journal of Food Engineering A, 63, 39-45. |
Garrido-Vidal, D.; Esteban-Díez, I.; Pérez-del-Notario, N.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Pizarro, C. (2004). On-line monitoring of kinetic and sensory parameters in acetic acid fermentation by NIRS. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 12, 15-27. |
A González, N Hierro, M Poblet, N Rozès, A Mas, JM Guillamón.Application of molecular methods for the differentiation of acetic acid bacteria in a red wine fermentation Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96, 853-860, 2004 |
Morales M.L.; Benitez B. and Troncoso, A.M. (2004). Accelerated ageing of wine vinegars with oak chips: evaluation of wood flavour compounds. Food Chemistry A, 88, 305-315. |
Y Quintero, A González, M Poblet, JM Guillamón, A Mas. Importancia de las bacterias acéticas en el vino. Enorigen, 1, 6-12, 2004 |
Sáiz-Abajo, M.J.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Pizarro, C. (2004). Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and pattern recognition methods applied to the classification of vinegar according to raw material and elaboration process. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 12, 207- 220. |
Sáiz-Abajo, M.J.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Pizarro, C. (2004). Classification of wine and alcohol vinegar samples based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Feasibility study on the detection of adulterated vinegar samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52, 7711-7719. |
Testaye, W.; Morales M.L.; Benitez B.; García-Parrilla, M.C. and Troncoso, A.M. (2004). Evolution of wine vinegar composition during accelerated aging with oak chips. Analytica Chimica Acta A, 513, 239-245.
González-Sáiz, JM., Pizarro, C. and Garrido-Vidal, D. (2003). Modelling and optimisation of the industrial process of acetic fermentation in Recent Research Developments in Biotechnology & Biotengineering. Research Signpost 217-242. |
González-Sáiz, J.M.; Pizarro, C. and Garrido-Vidal, D. (2003). Evaluation of kinetic models for industrial acetic fermentation: proposal of a new model optimizad by genetic algorithms. Biotechnology Progress 19(2), 599-611. |
González-Sáiz, J.M.; Pizarro, C. and Garrido-Vidal, D. (2003). Study of process variables in industrial acetic fermentation by acontinuos pilot fermentor and response surfaces. Biotechnology Progress 19(5), 1468-1479. |
González-Sáiz, J.M.; Pizarro, C. and Garrido-Vidal, D. (2003). Modelling and optimisation of the industrial process of acetic fermentation in Recent Research Developments in Biotechnology & Biotengineering. Research Signpost 217-242. |
López, F.; Medina, F.; Prodanov, M. and Güell, C. (2003). Oxidation of Activated Carbon: Application to Vinegar Decolorization. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 257(2), 173-178. |
A Mas, A González, N Hierro, M Poblet, N Rozès, JM Guillamón. Bacterias acéticas durante la fermentación vínica: Interacciones con otros microorganismos. Tecnología del vino, 11, 27-30, 2003. |
Morales, M.L. and Troncoso, A.M. (2003). Note. Evaluation of aroma compounds in wine vinegars: effect of previous neutralization of samples. Food Science and Technology International, 9(6), 397-402. |
Natera, R.; Castro, R., García, V.; Hernández, M.J. and Barroso, C.. (2003). Chemometric studies of vinegars from different raw materials and proceses of production. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 3345-3351 |
Pizarro, C.; González-Sáiz, J.M. and Garrido-Vidal, D. (2003). Kinetic modelling of acetic fermentation in industrial process by genetic algorithms. Journal of Chemometrics 17(8-9), 453-462. |
Testaye, W.; Morales, M.L.; García-Parrilla, M.C. and Troncoso, A.M. (2003). Optimising wine vinegar production: fermentation and ageing. Applied Biotechnology Food Science and Policy, 1, 109-114. |